Project You: Words of Wisdom

Our book Project You: Words of Wisdom is featured today on the Its Write Now website.

Here's the link:

Packed with hundreds of motivational quotes, Project You: Words of Wisdom provides an overview of the Project You Life Journey and how you can positively impact and grow the seven key elements of your life:  personal life, professional life, family life, health and fitness life, emotional and mental life, spiritual life, and your interconnected life.

The book is FREE in the Kindle Store from now through July 5th.

Get it now at Amazon at


Mid-Year Resolutions Launched by Living A Determined Life

Time to Re-Launch Your Personal Development Goals

Research study after research study shows that the annual ritual of New Year's Resolutions has a failure rate of over 80%.

And this is despite one study showing that 52% of New Year's Resolution setters felt confident about achieving their goals at the time of setting them.

And by mid-year, over 50% of all New Year's Resolutions have been dropped.

Unfortunately, most people wait until the start of another new year to set new goals and resolutions.

Why? Because there is no other social protocol inviting them to do otherwise.

This is about to change.

The website Living A Determined Life is launching the Mid-Year Resolution initiative, to create motivation and provide tools for people to kick-start or relaunch their personal development goals halfway through the calendar year.

To help ensure that these Mid-Year Resolutions are more successfully implemented than the tradition New Year's Resolutions, Living A Determined Life has created an easy-to-use 30-60-90 Day Personal Change Action Planning Tool, which can be downloaded free.

Additionally, Living A Determined Life has two free articles to aid people making Mid-Year Resolutions:

Why Personal Change Initiatives Often Fail
Seven Key Success Factors for Implementing Personal Change

Living A Determined Life is the fundamental principle of the Project You personal and professional book series, available at Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.




Respect Is A Core Value

Respecting Others Will Make You Feel At Home Everywhere

The overall level of respect across all aspects of society seems to have deteriorated in recent years.

Evidence of this includes the profane language that permeates today's music, films and television shows; as well as the plethora of self-interest actions and abuses of power by persons of authority, politicians and business leaders. 

And currently in the United States we are witnessing perhaps the most disrespectful election year of all time. 

While societal signs of disrespect have yet to reach a crescendo, there is little doubt of the escalation of disrespect being exhibited today

As Gail Pursell Elliott, who is known as The Dignity and Respect Lady wrote, "As a society, we have come to a point where people too often treat one another as objects and opportunities, rather than as fellow human beings. Respecting one another as individuals, or not doing so, seriously impacts the future of all of us."

Having respect for other cultures and other people is extremely important as today's world becomes more interconnected and all of us are more frequently exposed to opportunities to interact with people from other cultures and backgrounds. One has to be careful, however, not to fall into the trap of ethnocentricity, which basically means believing that the values, beliefs and rules of one's own culture are the only valid ones or are automatically superior to all others.

Not only is such a belief system wrong and highly misleading, it also results in a very limited mindset that prevents you from learning from others. Once you begin to explore the world and other cultures, you will quickly learn that other societies, people and cultures have values, beliefs, rules, and protocols that are no better or worse than your own ── just different.

It is important that you respect these different values, beliefs, rules, and protocols, especially when you are in their cultural environment. Doing so will make you feel comfortable and at home everywhere across this magnificent planet.

This article is partially excerpted from the top-selling book Project You: Living A Determined Life, available at Amazon in paperback ($7.90) and Kindle ($6.88) formats.